Updates September 09 2013, 1 Comment

NOTE: Most recent at top

Friends! What an amazing journey so far, and in such a short span. We raised our goal (and then some, thank you very much), finished and manufactured the record, got the swag together (coasters, posters and such), got the single "Turn The Radio On" all over the airwaves (it's a hit!), released the record (it is now in stores, on our website, Itunes and everywhere), played the MN State Fair in front of a record 8,834-strong audience, not to mention the awesome in-studio performances at MPR and The Current, got great press, and the reviews are just starting to roll in. And that's just the beginning! 20+ radio stations, from Maine to Washington, Chicago to Florida, have added the record to their rotations, some of which have already reported it in their top 30 songs played, more show requests are arriving in our in-box, and we're heading to New York in a couple weeks. None of this would have been possible without you. We all made this beautiful thing together. THANK YOU. I'll keep you updated. PS: Don't forget to send friends and interested parties to our website where we have all sorts of cool stuff including the CD and vinyl for sale: www.thesuburbsband.com 

Oh, sorry... with all the GOOD news I forgot to give you the not so terribly good news. We're running late on getting the vinyl out to everyone because, quite frankly we were too busy (or absent minded... Ok! We were stupid) to autograph enough before Beej flew back to LA! So, please forgive our tardiness. We're waiting, waiting, for the final batch of beautiful pink vinyls to be John Hancocked. Same deal with the posters. But they WILL BE COMING to a mailbox near you. The CDs, coasters, etc. should have arrived or will as they get mailed out in batches. What else? Oh yeah, some people have not responded to our survey with their email and instructions for their download. Check your email box for a message from us from the last few weeks, and respondez-vou s'il vous plait!

As for the bigger stuff, the golf and parties etc. give me just a another couple weeks as I move and get to NY and back. Then, we party.



Dearest Suburban Supporters, 

I am pleased to announce your new "Si Sauvage" digital downloads will arrive starting today!

Vinyl, posters, tshirts, etc to follow shortly. See picture. Ready to rock!

The new album drops Tuesday. Please check out and send friends to our online store where you can buy extra copies, T-shirts, check for concert dates (next: the MN State Fair Grandstand Aug 30) and more. Of course the new CD will be available on ITunes, Amazon, at the Electric Fetus etc. too, after August 27.

None of this excitement would have been possible without your generous support.

Check out the fab coverage in the Mpls Star Tribune by clicking here


The Suburbs


Hey Kids! I thought I'd better send out a quick update so y'all are... um... updated!

We've been busy. Making coasters, teeshirts, vinyl, CDs, posters, dance mixes, booking gigs, working the press, talking with video directors, drinking alcohol, and partying like rock stars (kidding! We are working our asses off... being our own LABEL!)

And we're on track. Well, vinyl might be just a week or two late... Our mix master had some quibbles. He wants it perfect! Anyway - be sure to respond to the survey you will receive where we ask for your address, tshirt size, email, etc etc. This is vital so you may receive your goods.

Fancy Pants People who signed up for big buck parties etc: we will coordinate ASAP and party down. I'm thinking the SPAC bar listening party will be in October. Guest list folks, be sure to write me here or on Facebook or whatever and indicate what show you want to go to. Guest list for Mercury Lounge in NY is nearly full. But there will always be gigs coming up. We will hang.

And always check in at www.thesuburbsband.com for performance updates, sign up for our email list, and in general stay in touch!