9 Questions with StevieB April 13 2017, 0 Comments
1. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
The mythical cat horse.
2. What was the first band you played in?
FAZE, with my buddy's Jon and Lance.
3. Do you play in any other bands?
Yes. Curtiss A. Jerks of Fate. Different freelance projects that come my way.
4. How many instruments do you play?
Five: bass, guitar, veena, mandolin, the triangle.
5. What was your most memorable Suburbs gig?
The next one, because we just keep getting better!
6. You're stranded on a desert island... What three items would you bring?
My Meera, my guitar and my cats.
7. What is your favorite Suburbs song?
Our new hit song Hey Muse!
8. What famous person (dead or alive) would you most want to have dinner with?
Dr. S. Balachander.
9. What is the best advice you've ever received?