Our Incredible, Amazing Fans July 31 2013, 3 Comments
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We wouldn't be here without our awesome fans. A compilation of quotes and photos!
"Kickin' it old school in honor of The Suburbs hitting their Kickstarter. Looking forward to the new album!" -J.B.
"Like everyone in Fargo in the early 90's, I was a record store clerk aspiring to be a DIY 'zine producing guy. Hey - don't question my aspirations! My co-worker and I called our 'zine fuzzface, and it took Fargo by storm for a handful of months, then disappeared. But it's untimely death under still-suspicious circumstances didn't come before I could write about my favorite band. Keep in mind that this was 20 years ago. Looking back at what I wrote, I'm not sure I understand any of it, except that the 'Burbs put on a hell of a show at the '93 reunion and that I wrote like a jackass. Still do, for that matter. Cheers, and congrats on the Kickstarter campaign!" -D.L.
"My first 'burbs show. Y'all played at Butte Gymnasium at NDSSS in Wahpeton ND, shortly after the release of Credit in Heaven. I was at this must-see show with 6 or so friends. We danced our asses off, while 30 or so others sat in their folding chairs, probably unsure what to think. Rick Springfield, you weren't. The stage was fronted by one of those old railings, with the 2 or 3 inch diameter bars at, I don't know, 1.5 and 3ft in height. The image of Beej wrapped around those bars singing "Drinking..." will be forever etched in my memory, unless I suffer an onset of Alzheimers, and maybe even then. That album, and that show (with some credit to the Flamin' Oh's for coming to town as well), changed the direction of my musical tastes. (The show in Fargo during a snowstorm a couple years ago is a very fond memory, too.)" -D.L.
"First EP, 1978... Side 1: Memory, Go, Stereo, Teenage Run-In, Chemistry Set. Side 2: Your Phone, Couldn't Care Less Anymore, You, Prehistoric Jaws." -J.C.
"My wife and I had one of our first dates when the Suburbs played at Macalester College and we danced the night away. When we got married (almost 23 years ago) we continued to groove to the Suburbs. During the wedding reception, we choke-danced, pogo-ed and slam-danced (in the reception hall of a Unitarian Universalist Church) to "Cows" and "Music For Boys." -P.W.
"Can't wait to get the new album and wear my classic pin (Circa 1986) at an upcoming show." -L.L.
"On a paddle wheel boat on the St. Croix. There weren't many chairs left on board and all the dancing on the top deck broke quite a few beams. What a blast." -M.M.
"Beej at the Red Carpet in St Cloud in 1982. This photo taken by my amazing boyfriend who is also a professional photographer! $3515 is all they need to make their new album and I need to get a newly updated photo of Beej, with me in it this time of course! 40 hours!" -J.B.
"Another favorite photo of my old collection of Suburbs pix. I enjoyed going to the shows and getting on stage or going back stage to capture history. This is Michael Halliday, shot the same night as the previously published Bruce Allen photo. Hope you guys enjoy the memories as much as I did capturing them!" -D.N.
"This is one of my favorite photos I took of Bruce back at the Cabooze a long time ago. It was probably around 1982. R.I.P Bruce Allen." -D.N.
"I worked at Shakey's on highway 7 in high school. Beej and the boys would pull through the drive-thru in his convertible Porsche for pizza all the time and I'd have a nice chat with them every time. A co-worker once asked, "aren't you The Suburbs?"...Beej got a wry little smile on his face and said, "No, we're The Beatles...I'm the shy one"." -T.A.
"Here is a sampling of my collection. You will notice I have four copies of Law is the Law. I’m one short. I had a plan. The plan was this: acquire five copies. Track down each member of the band and have them sign one copy. Frame them all and put them on the wall forever more. Damn, what a great record. I played the grooves off of my original LP. You can drop the tonearm on that first track and the needle skates to the end. Also pictured here: A flyer from First Ave. A PolyGram sampler with the tracks Love is the Law and Skin. And a still sealed 7 inch single with a price tag from Peaches Records. I have more but these are some of the gems." -W.O.
"Two years ago, home to see family and the band from the 2nd row. GREAT SHOW." -M.H.
"Best concert was at Lakeside in Waconia, circa 1986. Front row, Beej sweated on us all night, danced 'til we dropped. A buddy jumped on stage and did a stage dive, but the crowd parted and he landed on the floor. At the end of show, Hugo tossed his sticks to me and Bruce came over and handed me an unopened can of MGD. I still have both momentos from that night. Pure grooviness for a bunch of high school kids." -T.A.
"I've been listening to your guys' stuff non-stop in anticipation for the new album. Guaranteed it will be a future classic..." -B.M.
"Found a few of my Suburbs items! I know I've got tickets and other items from many, many shows! Cheers guys!" -R.W.
"I have too many memories, all great by the way! The ones that are the most amazing all reside at the Cabooze. The crowd singing every word, jumping up and down, and Beej hanging from the pipes on the ceiling. I definitely LIKE COWS!! First song released is a winner." -J.G.
"Only the first page of my Suburbs tix stubs from my collection of fantastic gems and jewels
for me and my kids to enjoy." -W.R.
"And from a pin - I'm not sure where I got it. The guys look a bit young!" -T.S.
"Here is my ticket stub from the last time I saw the Suburbs - August 26, 1987, the final show. It was the early show because it was all-ages. I remember walking out of First Avenue and people were lined up for the later show." -T.S.
From the SCSU archives... "And one of Bruce - thanks, guys!" -T.S.
"A couple of great photos from an April 1982 at a performance at St. Cloud State from their University Archives - the Replacements opened." -T.S.
"After hours St. Croix Boom Company back in the day. Recognize anyone?" -M.B.
"Flew in from NC for the show Saturday at the Cabooze. Had so much fun. Thanks for playing. Hope to see you again soon." -S.M.
"I remember about a hundred years ago (or so it seems) I was able to catch a Sunday night show with the 'Burbs at a bar in East Grand Forks, MN. It was a great show and getting up for class at UND the next day was pretty hard..... Ok, so I didn't make it to class the next day, ha! Maybe that's why I didn't finish school? I blame you guys haha! All kidding aside I can't wait for your new album!" -G.I.
"Ok. More stuff." -C.B.
Post any of your photos or great memories and tag our Facebook page!
chris goodwin on
First off, the new record is freaking awesome. I have been a fan since the first time my friend Ken Harmon at UND introduced me to “In Combo.” We went out of our way to see you guys everywhere we could. Some poster above mentioned a bar in East Grand Forks, MN on a Sunday show. I was there too and the name of it was “Vern’s Place” which before that was a restaurant called the Speakeasy – I’m not even sure how I am remembering that!
Your music has had a profound affect on me in many ways over the course of my life – thank you.
Living in Baltimore now and never miss a chance to turn someone on to the Burb’s! I see where you guys are in Manhattan a week from the day I write this….must convince spouse of the seriousness of this situation.
Jonny Clifford on
1984, and for our graduating class, the parents committee had hired some lame band for our party. We collectively decided to take up a collection to pony up the additional money to hire the Suburbs. By the end of the show, the stage was filled with overjoyed high school grads…..and 5 sweaty Suburbs. Not a bad way to end our high school years.
John Stahley on
I have been a fan since the Longhorn days , but my most intense memory was at what I seem to recall as your first reunion show at the Prom ballroom on University ave, in St. Paul.
A great show by any standard , and I think I’d seen enough to be a fair judge.
But when Beej , who’s hair was slicked back and appeared to be held by a shoe lace diameter head band , started whipping his head around , prompting the release of what appeared to be baby powder……..I was floored.
The effect was mesmerizing. Between the lights , and the impossibly uniform release of what ever powder it was , he had a cloud like halo surrounding his head and he was working notes like only Beej could do.
It was brilliant.
In my entire musical experience , it was in the top ten pieces of showmanship easily……dare I say top five ? It was GREAT !